Vyhledávání zboží

Cooling Fill Type DCHV 22.5

Properties of Cooling Fill Type DCHV 22.5

  • Cooling fill with vertical (straight) channels.
  • Minimizes fill clogging.
  • Suitable for applications with very low water quality.
Cooling Fill Type DCHV 22.5
Foil Material PVC
Dimensions of the Cooling Fill Sheet (standard) 2400 x 500 x 22.5 mm
2400 x 250 x 22.5 mm
Foil Thickness (standard) 0.35 mm
Wave Height 22.5 mm
Heat Exchange Area 154 m2/m3
Operating Temperature Range -50 to +60oC
Weight of the Cooling Fill 24 kg/m3
Joining Foils into Blocks Connecting elements or welding
Material of Connecting Elements HDPE
Dimensions of Blocks (17 foils) 2400 x 500 x 390 mm
2400 x 250 x 390 mm
Packing – Pallets 2400 x 1000 mm 2500 foils

Cooling Fill Block Drawing
Drawing of the cooling fill.